Our New Team Member

Some of you may be wondering, "Who is the new voice behind The Human Nature Center's posts?" I'd like to formally introduce myself:

Hi! My name is Ann. I am a maker, artist, gardener, and mother. Many of the stories and projects I share draw from my real life raising a young son (whose hands can be seen in the photos and videos) on a homestead in Oregon.

I had the honor of meeting Meg several years ago when we worked together at The Ecology Center. Since then, our paths diverged geographically but we remained close friends and bonded over becoming mothers at the same time.

Recently, I shared that as a new parent, I resonate with and appreciate The Human Nature Center's vision even more. I believe it's more important than ever that we give our kids the opportunity to connect with nature and that this connection is what we are missing in today's world, but it's also what we, as natural living beings, deeply need to feel nurtured and whole.

My values align deeply with what The Human Nature Center is teaching and sharing: I love nature-inspired art and crafts, wholesome homegrown food, land-based culture and traditions, and so, it is a natural fit for me to join the team!

I'm so excited to be here! Every time I share a project or a post, I feel my heart filling with so much joy and gratitude for your enthusiasm and support. I hope to help expand THNC's reach and cultivate a tight-knit community of earth tenders here!

You can also find me on Instagram @idyllwildstudio and @homestead.culture.

Deep bow of gratitude,

Ann NguyenComment