5 Sun-Powered Summer Projects
Invitation to Play with Nature
Circle of Life: 5 Ways to Use Circles in Play, Art, and Learning
Bringing Back the Wonder and Magic of Spring
Yarn Stick Weaving: Ojos De Dios
Visible Mending as Self-Care
Upcycled Gift Wrapping with Natural Materials
Creating a Place-Based Holiday Tradition
Our New Team Member
Leaf Lantern Tutorial
Fall Leaves Banner
Natural Arts Meg Hiesingerfall, fall, diy, fall, diy, nature craft, fall, diy, nature craft, eco kids art
Savoring Summer by Saving Seeds
Solar-Printed Garden Snapshots: How to Make a Cyanotype
Natural Arts Meg Handlernature journaling, nature journaling, cyanotype, nature journaling, cyanotype, printing, nature journaling, cyanotype, printing, sun prints, nature journaling, cyanotype, printing, sun prints,
Artichoke Harvest
Learning GardenMeg Hiesingerartichoke, artichoke, home garden, artichoke, home garden, family gardening, artichoke, home garden, family gardening, organic garden, artichoke, home garden, family gardening, organic garden, southern california gardening
Installing a Greywater Wash Station
Learning Garden, Full Circle LivingMeg Hiesingerdiy, diy, outdoor shower, diy, outdoor shower, home garden, diy, outdoor shower, home garden, urban permaculture, diy, outdoor shower, home garden, urban permaculture, stacking functions
Eco Design for Earth Day
Saving dried pole beans
Celebrating Spring with Tataki Zomé
Harvesting Persian Basil volunteers from a patio pot
About The Learning Yard Project